Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Morning Elegance

**Update** I just realized that Samantha commented on this exact same video ... Im tempted to delete this post & start something new .. & yet I probably won't.
This video is a gem that has been spreading around the internet like wildfire.

Oren Lavie used stop motion to create a video for his song, "Her Morning Elegance". Some fun facts about this video:
  • The video was shot all stills - roughly 3225 still photos for the entire video, using one camera, hanging from the ceiling for the main body of the movie.

  • It took 4 weeks before shooting to create an animated computer generated storyboard for the video, with 3d dummies for the characters.

  • It took only 2 days of shooting for the live actors on set to re-create the 3.5 minute computer sequence, frame by frame.

I really enoy this music video and I think that it was well done! The stop motion technique was a great idea, and Oren Lavie was able to use it and create a smooth, unique work of art. What I found to be successful is that he was able to create a whole world on that one bed, an experience that keeps you interested in whats going to happen next. While watching the video, I read into it as an expression of dreams. When you have dreams you travel and experience without ever leaving your bed. You are tucked in to a most serene and peaceful place, and you can run and dance and have adventures without ever leaving your sheets. You are travelling and exploring your own mind, which can be a scary and confusing place, but can also be a space of calmness and elegance.
I really liked how Oren Lavie used white as the main "backdrop", if you will, and then contrasted with black. When the black pants & shirt first appear, I thought they were meant to be the girl's shadow. The black clothing is then taken by a man, and throughout the video he is shadowing, dancing and interacting with her. The white and the black looked good together, and I feel like it gave the guy a deeper meaning. Maybe the fact that he was wearing black which is the ultimate contrast of white, means that he was a defining part of the dream, an element of the dream sticking out for the girl more than anything else. Then I realized that this man is probably her love, and she dreamed him in to her serene and peaceful place amoung the white sheets because of his significance in her life and heart. If Im right about that, I think its pretty cute.
I could tell that the production of this video must have taken alot of effort and attention to detail, because so many things change in each frame. For example, around 2:12, you see that the pillows are moving at the same time that the girl is jumping across them, and a shirt is flying through the background. Each of these items had to be moved in precisely the right way to get them all to be animated in sync, which seems like such painstaking work but that definately had great results.

I love it when you watch a video, hear music or see a work of art and it inspires you to create something new, something outside the box. Thats just what this video did for me. It was a great example for me of stop motion, and when I was looking things up about the video I learned alot about the production of a video such as this, and it really sparked some interest. Kudos to Oren Lavie on a job well done, I give this video two thumbs up.


Blogger Samantha Lui said...


I agree with you this video is definitely cool. Makes me appreciate stop motion even more now, even though it's so TEDIOUS!!

It's a cute song and a cute concept. DID YOU KNOW, the girl in the video was supposed to be small and brunette? This girl is actually really tall and yeah obviously a red head. ahaha

February 23, 2009 at 5:41 PM  

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